Industrial & Manufacturing Occupations
Fork Lift Operator
Participants successfully completing this course will be eligible for the fork lift operator’s license. Topics to be presented include basic design of lift trucks, stabilization of trucks, maintenance, operating techniques, and safety aspects in operation.
Cost: $70
View available dates and register!
(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)
Operatè Chariot - Kreyòl
Patisipan ki konplete kou sa a avèk siksè ap kalifye pou lisans operatè charyo. Sijè yo dwe prezante yo enkli konsepsyon debaz kamyon leve yo, estabilizasyon kamyon yo, antretyen, teknik operasyon, ak aspè sekirite yo.
Cost: $70
View available dates and register!
(If no courses are listed, then it is not offered in the current semester term.)
Associate Dean, Applied Technologies Division
Applied Technologies