Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) System
Wayne Community College offers training under the WIOA system. The program is especially designed for individuals who require skill training in order to obtain employment. All individuals enrolled in the WIOA program must qualify under program guidelines.
Do you qualify for WIOA?
WIOA Youth Program
The WIOA Youth Program is designed to assist youth between the ages of 16 and 24 to meet their educational and career goals. Goals that are set for students include, obtaining a High School Equivalency or Adult High School Diploma, building leadership skills, building financial literacy skills, obtaining occupational skills in desired careers, and increasing educational level to transition to a post–secondary program. Funding may assist with tuition, books, work uniforms and supportive services (transportation, day care, etc.). Educational counseling, mentoring, and tutorial are some of the core services available to help students to meet their goals. For more information about our WIOA Youth Program, please contact Shaquita Hatcher by phone at 919-739-6923.
WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program
This program offers training services for individuals who may benefit from training for the labor market. Those served include:
- Unemployed Individuals
- Individuals who have been laid off due to no fault of their own
- Low Income Job Seekers
Training Services may be provided to an eligible adult who, after an interview, evaluation, or assessment, and career planning, have been determined, as appropriate…
- Be unlikely or unable to obtain or retain employment that leads to self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment
- Be in need of training services to obtain or retain employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment; and
- Have the skills and qualifications to successfully participate in the selected program of training services
- Select programs of training services that are directly linked to the employment opportunities in the local area, or in another area to which the individual is willing to commute or relocate
- Are unable to obtain other grant assistance or require assistance beyond the assistance made available under other grant assistance programs
- Are determined to be eligible in accordance with the priority system in effect
NCWorks Career Centers for Job Seekers
Your local NCWorks Career Center – Wayne County provides training assistance that helps job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market. This program also matches employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
At your local NCWorks Career Center, workforce development professionals from diverse partner agencies work together under one roof to provide services including, but not limited to:
- Free computer and internet access
- Resume preparation
- Information on the job market
- Help with job searches
- Career guidance and assessment
- Information on training and education
- Access to training classes, workshops, and resources for training
- Veterans’ services, and more!
Applicants should contact the WIOA office, located at the NCWorks Career Center – Wayne County for information about applications and/or assessment. The Wayne County office of the NCWorks Career Center – Wayne County is located at 2006 Wayne Memorial Drive, Goldsboro, NC 27534. You may reach them by phone at 919-731-7950 or
On The Job Training (OJT)
Wayne Community College is proud to partner with the Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board to offer the NCWorks On-the-Job training program (OJT). This is a program in which businesses hire eligible Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) clients. Upon hire, businesses may be reimbursed up to 50% of the employee’s wages for up to 6 months.
OJT is a training program that utilizes the employer as the trainer. The training subsidy is designed to offset the costs associated with hiring and training a new employee who exhibits a gap in skills. The employer makes the hiring decision and receives free screenings, assessments, and referrals of applicants. The employer makes the determination regarding job performance standards and receives monthly reimbursements.
To participate in the OJT program, employers must ensure the employment is on-going and not temporary, probationary or intermittent. The OJT reimbursement period will be calculated based upon a skills gap analysis including both the skills needed for the specific job, and the skills already retained by the participant. The difference between the two will be used to determine the length of the training period.
Contact our WIOA Business Service Representative for more information and determine if your company is eligible to participate.
For more information, contact:
Shaquita Hatcher at 919-731-6923 or
WIOA Youth Program & Career Advisor
Workforce Continuing Education Services
(919) 739-6923
WIOA Career Advisor
Workforce Continuing Education Services
(919) 988-6872
WIOA Career Advisor
Workforce Continuing Education Services
(919) 988-6871