WCC Facebook Pages
Agribusiness Technology and Sustainable Agriculture Technology
Applied Animal Science Technology
Automotive Systems Technology – ATEP
Automotive Systems Technology – GM-ASEP
Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology
Continuing Ed – Transitional Programs for College and Career
Foundation of Wayne Community College
Information Systems Technology
Mechatronics Engineering Technology
Social Media Statement
The social media sites represented on the Wayne Community College home page are produced and maintained by the Office of Communications. Links to content or other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the organizations, entities, views or content contained therein. WCC is not responsible for the content of those external web sites.
While WCC does not regularly review content posted to social media sites, it shall have the right to remove any content for any reason, including but not limited to, content that it deems threatening, profane, obscene, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, off-topic, commercial or promotion of organizations or programs not related to or affiliated with the college, or otherwise injurious or illegal. Users are fully responsible for the content they load on any of WCC’s social media sites.
By submitting content to any of WCC’s social media sites, users understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public, and that WCC may use this information for internal and external promotional purposes. Please note that other participants may use posted information beyond the control of WCC. Users who do not wish to have information they have made available via these sites used, published, copied and/or reprinted, should not post on the social media sites.