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WCC 10th in Nation in Certifications

September 05, 2018

WCC has been honored as one of the top NC# certification centers in the nation.

September Career Readiness Testing

August 30, 2018

The National Career Readiness tests will be offered just three times in September at WCC.

Fraternity Establishes Scholarship

August 29, 2018

The Goldsboro Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity has donated $500 to assist WCC Workforce Continuing Education students.

WCC Fall Semester Underway Today

August 16, 2018

WCC’s 2018-2019 academic year is off to a running start as students hustle to their first classes.

WCC Presents 2018 Distinguished Chair Awards

August 15, 2018

Jennifer Johnson and Dr. Ernie White have been honored with the college’s 15th set of “Distinguished Chair” awards.