Wayne Community College’s Winter Fine Arts Festival, set for the evening of Thursday, Dec. 7, will offer a variety of treats for the eye and the ear.
It will begin with an art exhibition that opens at 6 p.m. in the Wayne Learning Center Atrium.

Musical entertainment will be provided while guests peruse more than 150 drawings, paintings, and sculptures produced throughout the semester by students in the college’s Drawing 1, Drawing 2, Painting 1, Painting 2, and Design classes.
Just in time for holiday giving, note cards featuring works from past art classes will be on sale. The proceeds will benefit students who will be taking an educational trip to Italy in Spring 2018.
A “Variety Show” will start at 7 p.m. in Moffatt Auditorium in the Wayne Learning Center. It will include Christmas-themed musical and dance performances by the college’s chorus, Music Appreciation Ensemble, and employees.
The festival is free and open to the public.
For more information about the event or programs at Wayne Community College, contact Art Instructor Angie Waller at (919) 739-6843 or arwaller@www.waynecc.edu or Music Instructor Brad Collier at (919) 739-6839 or brcollier@www.waynecc.edu.
Wayne Community College encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. Anyone who anticipates needing accommodation or has questions about access can contact the college’s disability counselor at 919-739-6729. Please allow sufficient time to arrange accommodation.
Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves 14,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 70 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.