Wayne Community College has published its 2022 writers’ and artists’ magazine.

The 38th annual issue of Renaissance contains 98 pages of prose, poetry, and art by the college’s students and employees.
Thirty-one literary works and 58 pieces of art were selected for print.
One of the poems, “Bird,” was written by the student to whose memory the publication was dedicated. Nicole Denise Hughes died during the fall 2021 semester. English Instructor and Magazine Co-Editor Ashley Merrill called Hughes a “faithful contributor” and noted the dedication for “whose enthusiasm for Renaissance will be sorely missed.”
Outstanding student contributions were recognized. The awards and those honored are
Front Cover Award – Phoebe Ramirez for “Many Seeds;”
Back Cover Award – Katie Wagner for “Reflection;”
Art Award – Danny Caps for colored pencil pieces “Astronaut” and “Pink and Blue Girl;”
Prose Award – McKenzie Sollars for short story “Liminality;” and
Poetry Award and the Beatrice K. Balkcum Literary Award – Alayna Abbott for the poems “Brontosaurus,” “Accented,” and “No Return Address.”
The Balkum Award, which recognizes the best literary work by an emerging writer, comes with a $1,000 scholarship. It was established with the Foundation of Wayne Community College by Vicki Balkum in memory of her mother, Bea Balkum, who served the college as a faculty member and head of the Liberal Arts Department as well as a trustee for two terms.
“I always enjoy reading the magazine,” said President Patty Pfeiffer. “It highlights the best of the best.”
In addition to Merrill, English instructors Dean Tuck and Jeff Williams also serve as “Renaissance” editors.
This year’s Renaissance and past issues from as far back as 2009 can be viewed on the college’s website.
Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves 10,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 165 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.