Wayne Community College recognized its largest Dental Hygiene class in the program’s nearly 50-year history in a formal pinning ceremony held May 9.
The annual service denotes the end of the graduates’ academic journey and welcomes them into the dental profession.
The ceremony included presentation of stoles and WCC dental hygiene pins to the 28 graduates by the faculty of the program. The stoles and pins were provided to the graduates by the WCC Student American Dental Health Association and gowns were donated by David Wilson, stepfather of one of the graduates.
This year’s graduates are
Yesenia Rojas Garnica of Beulaville;
Ashley Brooke Givens, Class Officer of Clayton;
Maria Magdalena Gutierrez of Dudley;
Rachel Celeste Holland of Durham;
Amber Nicole Oates of Faison;
Kaylee Nichole Bradford, WCC Student American Dental Hygiene Association President, of Four Oaks;
Shelle Brooke Anderson, Class President; Melissa Rae Eller, Class Officer; Taylor Morgan Howell; Kari Elizabeth Jackson; and Mckayla Grace Parks; all of Goldsboro;
Ashley Nicole Williford of Elm City;
Summer Regina Pierce of Eure;
Jennifer Ashlee Bogenn, WCC Student Government Association Representative, of Greenville
Lauren Marie Moore of Hookerton;
Rebecca Dawn White of Kenly;
Jeri Elizabeth Smith of Kinston;
Taylor Stephanie Hardy and Icela Vasquez of La Grange;
Ashlee “Doodle” Gay, SADHA Officer of Pikeville;
Megan Nicole Adams and Megan Rae Gerrell of Princeton;
Melanie Rebecca Cole of Wallace;
Kimberlyn Marie Jones, WCC SGA Representative, and Tristan Danielle Worthington of Washington;
Malorie Faith Kahl of Winterville;
Keely Jane Masak, Class Vice President of El Paso, Texas; and
Hannah Louise Monroig, WCC SADHA Representative, Shreveport, La.
Adrienne Northington, the executive director of the Foundation of Wayne Community College, was the guest speaker. She encouraged the graduates to “pay it forward and help others just as others have helped you receive your education.”
Northington noted that the Foundation gave Dental Hygiene students 44 scholarships worth $25,000 of the 544 scholarships totaling $393,000 awarded to 344 students throughout the college this academic year.
WCC dental hygiene classes traditionally present a gift to the college upon their matriculation. The class of 2017 announced the donation of a printer and digital camera to the Dental Department.
Awards were presented to students “who shine in certain areas,” said Dental Hygiene Instructor Nancy Lee.

The PDT (Paradise Dental Technologies) Scaling Award for excellence in patient consideration, professionalism, teamwork, enthusiasm, enjoyment of the role of dental hygienist, and excellent clinical skills was bestowed on Gay. She received a new set of instruments and a plaque.
Parks was presented the Golden Scaler Award sponsored by HuFriedy dental supply company. It recognizes a graduate who excels in patient motivation, communication skills, individualized instruction, clinical skills, and professionalism.
Bradford earned the Highest Academic Achievement Award for the highest cumulative grade point average (GPA). She was presented a plaque in recognition of her exceptional work ethic which led to her 3.925 GPA. This award is sponsored by the Foundation of Wayne Community College.
The S.T.A.R. (Student Total Achievement Recognition) Award for dedication, compassion in patient care, self-motivation, professionalism, and outstanding clinical skills went to Adams. She was given a plaque and her name was added to a permanent plaque that hangs in the college’s dental department. The award is sponsored by Colgate.
Adams also was rewarded for completing 54 patients, the highest number of patients for the 2016-2017 academic year, which is 14 above the requirement. The award, provided by the class’ Seminar Day Fund, was a certificate and monetary prize.
Another award provided by the Seminar Day Fund was for the most “acceptable” patient full-mouth probes during the current school year. Monroig was given a certificate and cash award for having completed 10 probes.
Anderson garnered the Community Health Award. It is sponsored by the department’s Seminar Day Fund. Criteria include showing enthusiasm and initiative in community and activities of the annual Seminar Day Continuing Education Course which exceed normal expectations. She received a plaque provided by the Foundation of Wayne Community College and a cash award.
Masak was acknowledged for being named to Who’s Who Among Students at Wayne Community College. Less than 1 percent of the college’s population is selected for the annual award based on personal excellence and contributions to the college and the community.
Once the graduates pass the written National Board Dental Hygiene Exam administered by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations of the American Dental Association and the clinical Council of Interstate Testing Agencies’ Regional Exam, they can apply to the State Board of Dental Examiners for licensure and become Registered Dental Hygienists in North Carolina.
Wayne Community College’s Dental Hygiene Program is a limited-admission, five-semester associate degree program. It is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association.
Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves around 12,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 70 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.