News Item Archive - Page 108 of 208 - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

Students Awarded SECU Scholarships

September 08, 2020

Two WCC students have been awarded scholarships from the State Employees’ Credit Union

WCC, Smithfield Foods Sign Second Apprentice Cohort

August 27, 2020

Smithfield Foods and WCC welcomed a second cohort of maintenance apprentices.

WCC Opens Employment Lab

August 25, 2020

WCC has established the WCC Employment Learning Lab lab to assist individuals who are job-seeking.

Honeycutt Receives Teaching Award

August 11, 2020

Software Development Instructor Jenneth M. Honeycutt is the recipient of the 2020 George E. Wilson Excellence in Teaching Award.

Openings in WCC Health Professional Courses

August 07, 2020

Several short-term health professional training courses about to begin at WCC have space for more students.