News Item Archive - Page 178 of 208 - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

Apply Now for Fall 2018 Scholarships

March 29, 2018

New and returning students who plan to attend WCC for the fall 2018 semester should apply for Foundation of Wayne Community College scholarships during the month of April.

March 30-April 12: Easter Holidays, Spring Break, and Summer Registration

March 26, 2018

WCC will be closed March 30-April 2, operating with just staff April 4-8, and holding registering for summer classes April 10-12.

Tech for Seniors To Be Offered in April

March 21, 2018

WCC Workforce Continuing Education wants to help older adults become more tech savvy.

WCC Wins National Communications Awards

March 21, 2018

For the second year in a row, WCC is a National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR) Paragon Award winner.

Celebration To Give Families Taste of Food Science

March 15, 2018

The "Celebration of Food Science" planned for April 21 will allow the whole family to participate in short experiments and view displays about food science in a free carnival-style event.