News Item Archive - Page 82 of 208 - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

WCC Named One of 150 Community Colleges Eligible for Aspen Prize

November 02, 2021

WCC has been invited to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence for the second time.

Apprenticeship Program Finalist for National Award

October 27, 2021

WCC's apprenticeship program has been named a finalist for a Bellwether Award in the Workforce Development category.

WCC Hosting WAGES Job Fair

October 25, 2021

WCC will host a mini job fair featuring positions available at WAGES on Nov. 4.

Quinn Named Best Pharmacy Mentor

October 21, 2021

Dr. Marcie Quinn, the director of WCC’s Pharmacy Technology program, has been named 2021 “Best Pharmacy Mentor” in the Best of the Best Pharmacy Awards sponsored by SingleCare.

Faulk Appointed to Board of Trustees

October 20, 2021

Ven Faulk has been appointed to the WCC Board of Trustees by the Wayne County Board of Education.