News Item Archive - Page 94 of 208 - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

Honeycutt Honored by National Organization

May 10, 2021

The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development has honored Software Development Instructor Jenneth Honeycutt.

Summer Schedule and COVID Changes

May 07, 2021

WCC will implement its summer operational schedule and some COVID-19 protocol changes beginning May 10.

Lawson Receives Teaching Award

May 06, 2021

Dr. Dean Lawson is the recipient of WCC’s 2021 George E. Wilson Excellence in Teaching Award.

ApprenticeshipNC Names Smithfield Foods Outstanding Employer

May 05, 2021

ApprenticeshipNC named Smithfield Foods, Inc. its 2021 Outstanding Registered Apprenticeship Employer for its program with WCC.

WCC Academic Skills Center Takes National Awards

May 04, 2021

WCC’s tutoring program and its personnel collected several accolades from the National Tutoring Association.