The Sunrise Kiwanis Club of Goldsboro has donated $1,000 to the Foundation of Wayne Community College for scholarships for the college’s students.

Kiwanis Clubs internationally focus on changing the world by serving children, one child and one community at a time. For 40 years, the mission of the Sunrise Kiwanis Club of Goldsboro has been assisting children and the community through various service and fundraising projects. The club meets at 7 a.m. every Wednesday at B&G Grill in downtown Goldsboro.
The Foundation of Wayne Community College is a non-profit organization that works to broaden the base of community support for educational opportunities at the college. It awarded 647 scholarships worth more than $400,000 for the 2017-2018 academic year. In addition to providing financial support to students, the Foundation funds mini grants and employee recognition, and offers cultural programs for the community. For more information about the Foundation, go to