Wayne Community College experienced generosity on many levels this Thanksgiving week. While two campus organizations fed more than 50 families, a local industry gave the college another dozen meals and a high school club contributed to a college project.
WCC F.L.O.W. (Future Leaders of the World) Club’s “Supporting Our Families on Thanksgiving” Initiative collected donations of turkeys and sides. Members stack boxes of meals in preparation for distribution to two dozen college families and two dozen community families.
The WCC unit of the Association of Educational Office Professionals gave two college families and two community families turkeys and all the fixings, plus pies, tea, sugar, foil and pans. Members with some of goodies are (l-r) Unit President Michelle Rogers, NC AEOP District 12 President Theresa White-Wallace, Jill Busby and Joanna Morrisette, and Unit Secretary Laura Tilghman.
The Goldsboro Case Farms Chicken Plant and its employees provided the college 12 meals of fresh chicken and accompaniments to distribute to needy students. Presenting one of the meal boxes to WCC Public Information Officer Tara Humphries (center) are Case Farms Complex Human Resources Manager Susan Domenech (left) and Complex Safety Manager Ingrid Moertl.
Southern Wayne High School’s Family, Career and Community Leaders of America collected and contributed 10 boxes and cartons of items including food, water, papergoods, toiletries, socks, and gloves for the WCC Student Government Association’s Blessing Box project. FCCLA Chapter Advisor Lanika Case with members Anthony Williams, a junior, and Bessy Morales-Barrera, a senior, (l-r) deliver the donation to WCC SGA President Logan Matthews, Public Information Chair Hannah Carter, Secretary Peyton Herring, Vice President Matt Willoughby, and WCC Student Activities Director Paige Ham. The SGA officers will distribute the items to community Blessing Boxes.