Wayne Community College and Fairwinds Aviation have signed an agreement to offer ground instruction for pilot training through the College’s Workforce Continuing Education Services.
Through this partnership, prospective pilots will complete 144 contact hours of seated instruction required for private pilot credentials as short-term training at WCC. The College will only be offering classroom instruction taught by Fairwinds flight instructors; students may then complete their flight training with Fairwinds for private pilot licensing through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

“WCC is excited to join forces with Fairwinds Aviation,” said WCC Dean of Applied Technologies Ernie White. “This new partnership will provide opportunities for those seeking a career as a pilot and aviation hobbyists in our area.”
“This new initiative continues to demonstrate the College’s ability to identify unique opportunities and expand our educational short-term training offerings,” said WCC Associate Dean of Applied Technologies Todd King.
Students will learn about aerodynamics, principles of flight, flight controls, aviation weather, the National Airspace System, cross-country flight planning, and maneuver techniques in the course.
“With Wayne County being an integral part of the aviation corridor for the eastern part of the state, we are excited to enter into this partnership with Fairwinds Aviation,” said WCC Vice President of Workforce Continuing Education Services and Community Engagement Renita Dawson.
The course will be offered Apr. 9 through Sept. 26.
“This partnership signifies our shared commitment to excellence, innovation, and accessibility to higher learning,” said Christina Sargent, president of Fairwinds Aviation. “We are creating a rigorous yet supportive environment that offers students from all walks of life the chance to embark on an exciting journey.”

For more information, contact King at (919) 739-6814 or stk@waynecc.edu.
About Fairwinds Aviation
Fairwinds Aviation is committed to providing students with the highest quality aviation education and training available. The flight school’s team of experienced instructors are passionate about flying and are dedicated to helping others achieve their aviation goals. Fairwinds offers a range of flight training programs and courses tailored to meet the needs of both aspiring and experienced pilots.
About Wayne Community College
Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves around 10,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 150 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.