Three Wayne Community College instructors presented this week at a national mathematics conference.
Math Instructors Elizabeth King, Michael McKenna, and Katie Mullins provided a session at the 45th Annual American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) Conference in Milwaukee.
The presentation, titled “Triggers for Your ‘How-To’ Manuals,” focused on sharing the WCC team’s use of “inventive narratives, memorable one-liners, and clever ditties “to solidify mathematical processes and techniques within their courses, focusing on Precalculus, explained Mullins.
“We have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to not only learn from our peers throughout the conference, but also share some of the wonderful things we are doing at Wayne Community College,” said Mullins.
The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges’ mission is to provide high quality professional development, to advocate and collaborate at all levels, and to build communities of learners for all involved in mathematics education in the first two years of college. Membership spans the entire North American continent to include mathematical instructors from Canada to Mexico and the Caribbean.
About WCC
Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves 11,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 140 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.
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