WCC to Host Drive-Through Celebration for Graduates - Wayne Community College | Goldsboro, NC `

WCC to Host Drive-Through Celebration for Graduates

May 05, 2020

In a time when so much has been displaced or handled virtually, Wayne Community College is planning an in-person celebration of its graduates.

On May 12 and May 13, the days on which it would have held its curriculum (college credit) and Adult High School/high school equivalency graduation ceremonies respectively, the college will instead hold drive-through events.

“While we have had to postpone the May curriculum and Transitional Programs for College and Career (TPCC) graduation ceremonies until July, we wanted to do something to acknowledge the original May graduation dates with our graduates,” said Joanna Morrisette, WCC associate vice president for academic and student services.

Morrisette stressed that these are “celebrations” and are not replacing the traditional commencement ceremonies. These events “acknowledge your hard work in completing your degree/diploma/certificates,” she told the students in their invitation messages.

“While it is too early to declare the end of this coronavirus crisis, holding recognition events in any form demonstrates that despite everything, we have persevered, we have continued to educate and to learn, and this celebration will not be denied us,” said WCC President Thomas A. Walker Jr.

All 476 curriculum students who applied to be Spring graduates, not just those who had indicated their intention to participate in the official ceremony, may participate on May 12

For the TPCC event, the close to 130 Adult High School graduates and high school equivalency (GED and HiSet) graduates since last year were invited to the May 13 festivities.

The honorees will be announced and drive past various stations to pick up gifts and the congratulations of Dr. Walker. Each graduate will receive a T-shirt and a yard sign to display at their home.


Hugging and posing with Billy Bison, a favorite activity for graduates, will not be an option during the drive-through celebrations on May 12 and May 13.

Family and friends are welcome to join the graduates, in the same vehicle or in separate ones, as long as they remain in those vehicles.

The events will each run 3-6 p.m. each day in the front parking lots of the college’s campus on Wayne Memorial Drive in Goldsboro. The area will be decorated in WCC blue and yellow and faculty, staff, and trustees will line the route to cheer the graduates.

Portions of the events will be live streamed on the college’s social media platforms.

For more information, contact Morrisette.

Wayne Community College is a public, learning-centered institution with an open-door admission policy located in Goldsboro, N.C. As it works to develop a highly skilled and competitive workforce, the college serves 11,000 individuals annually as well as businesses, industry, and community organizations with high quality, affordable, accessible learning opportunities, including more than 140 college credit programs. WCC’s mission is to meet the educational, training, and cultural needs of the communities it serves.

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