Looking to supercharge your future? The General Motors Automotive Service Education Program is a strategic alliance between General Motors, GM dealers, and over 50 carefully selected colleges like Wayne Community College that will prepare you for a career in the ever-changing, fast-paced automotive service industry as a GM Certified Service Technician. Through a combination of class and lab, you will be provided advanced automotive technical training, which is combined with a strong academic foundation in math, electronics, and analytical skills. Earn while you learn in a GM dealership. You will receive an hourly wage and be assigned to an experienced technician who will guide and supervise your training.
GM is the world’s largest automotive manufacturer. The benefits of working with the best include access to the latest in equipment, technology and automotive design.
Your career path at a GM dealership can be exciting and rewarding and specialized technicians are in high demand!
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Student Certification
Snap-on Wheel Service Certifications
Snap-on Diagnostics Certifications
Snap-on Multimeter Certification
Snap-on Torque Certification
NCDMV Safety & OBD Inspection Licensure
All students are required to purchase a laptop, hand tools, safety glasses, and uniforms. Costs are available by calling an Automotive Systems Technology instructor at (919) 739-6822 or 6951.
Students in the degree program are required to pay $30 for ASE Student Exams.
Employment (GM-ASEP): Career enhancement opportunities exist for GM ASEP graduates to progress within the dealer organization, such as service managers, parts managers, fixed operations managers, just to name a few.
Salary: According to the U.S. Department of Labor, salaries for mid-level positions range from $25,000 to $45,000 a year and an experienced automotive technician with ASE Master Certification and high-tech skills can earn $60,000 to $100,000 a year! It is our goal to teach the technical and communication skills to set you apart from the rest.
The Automotive Systems Technology (ATEP) program at Wayne Community College is accredited by the ASE Education Foundation, 1503 Edwards Ferry Rd., NE, Suite 401, Leesburg, VA 20176 (Phone: 703-669-6650).
David Byrd
GM-ASEP Program Coordinator, Automotive Instructor
Joseph Braswell
Automotive Instructor
Kevin Jordan
Department Chair, Transportation